Cork café service will support people to deal with an immediate mental health crisis


Solace Cafés provide an out-of-hours friendly and supportive community crisis prevention and crisis support service often at weekend evenings in a café style/non-clinical safe environment. A new café service in Cork will support individuals and their family members/carers to deal with an immediate crisis and to plan safely drawing on their strengths, resilience and coping mechanisms to manage their mental health and well-being. Attendees can access coping strategies, one to one peer support, psychosocial and recovery supports provided by paid core staff, assisted by a team of appropriately trained volunteers. Those who attend will be signposted to relevant mental health and well-being services and community supports as required


To provide an out-of-hours, friendly and supportive community based adult crisis prevention and crisis response service, often in the evenings and at weekends in a café style/non-clinical safe environment through social, peer support, crisis intervention support and recovery based supports and services.

The cafe is due to open in Cork city in June 2023 and is looking to recruit 4 roles in under to get the service up and running.

The roles are currently being advertised on Activelink and are funded by the HSE. See details of the roles below: