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Saturday, 07, December, 2024


Calls for urgent discussion on psychiatric drugs – but who is listening?

The global consumption of psychiatric medication is increasing by 4% annually, with the greatest increase observed in antidepressant use. For people who wish to reduce and/or stop taking medication there are many gaps and unanswered...

MindFreedom Ireland’s letter to Brendan O’Connor

Jim Maddock on listening to Radio One Professor Annie Curtis with Brendan O'Connor penned this response from MindFreedom Ireland. Dear Brendan, Arising from your interview with Professor Annie Curtis on November 9th, I would like to...


Straight-talking on depression and the chemical imbalance myth

Editor's Note: TED issue a warning on this talk, despite the widespread knowledge that the...

Calls for urgent discussion on psychiatric drugs – but who is listening?

The global consumption of psychiatric medication is increasing by 4% annually, with the greatest increase observed...

Institute for Development of Human Arts host Mad Studies Symposium, 8th December, 2024.

2024 marks the publication of the Mad Studies Reader, a book that brings together writing and...

New group ‘non-pathologising therapists of Ireland’ seeks members

Are you a counselling professional in Ireland? Are you concerned about the medicalisation of distress...

First do good: Conference to explore damage caused by treatment in mental health practice

On 8 and 9 November 2024, The Critical Voices Network Ireland (CVNI) looks forward to...

Mad in Ireland social


Led by researchers in Trinity College Dublin, the PROTECT Study, seeks to identify priorities for future research on reducing and stopping psychiatric medications. Interested parties take a survey on questions that users would like to see addressed. Take the survey here.



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