Challenging the status quo around eating disorder treatment
This post might be considered politically incorrect, but challenging the status quo has always been my specialty, dating back to my teenage years when...
MindFreedom Ireland’s letter to Brendan O’Connor
Jim Maddock on listening to Radio One Professor Annie Curtis with Brendan O'Connor penned this response from MindFreedom Ireland.
Dear Brendan,
Arising from your interview with...
Give Five – a human rights approach to mental health
A reflection, one month on from Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR), New Script World Mental Health Day in Belfast.
On October 10th some...
Painting a healthier future: Ireland’s artistic approach to wellbeing
The connection between creativity and our wellbeing has gained increasing recognition, backed by research that highlights the significant mental and physical health benefits gained...
World Voices Congress 2024 – Mark Mc Collum and Owen Ó Tuama in...
The World Voices Congress was held this year in Copenhagen in late September. The Congress is an annual global gathering of voice-hearers and people...