

You don’t need me to hold your hand
For you are more powerful than you know.

We can cross paths and embrace
Inspire each other, sow seeds and grow.

They won’t tell you how great you are – until you know.

They won’t acknowledge your power
Until you cultivate the knowing in your soul.

Believe me – it will show
And you will feel it in your bones

For it is your birthright to be free, to be happy, to be well.

My scars are healing as I now know…
To understand mySELF
Is to see the light
My never ending ending is insight.

Claim it –
You know best
Your destiny as well?

I can tell you, you were born to shine bright.

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Marie McGrath – channel for Christ Consciousness energy. Author of ‘You Were Never Alone – Conversations with Jesus on psychosis, twin flames and the New Earth’. She has had many kundalini awakenings, which were labelled as psychosis/schizophrenia. Healer, heal thyself.