How I learned to safely taper off psychiatric drugs
It was May 21st, 2019, when I woke up in a strange hotel-like room drenched in sweat, fully clothed with a winter jacket on...
Give Five – a human rights approach to mental health
A reflection, one month on from Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR), New Script World Mental Health Day in Belfast.
On October 10th some...
Research: “Distress was normalised and understood as part of the human condition”
A new study titled "Designing recovery-oriented care: a qualitative study to inform service design at Kyrie Therapeutic Farm in Ireland" explores how therapeutic farm...
Raising awareness about the side effects of psychiatric medications
I have been a member of the Our Rights and Medication Advocacy Group (ORAM) for a few years now and I am writing to...
Sharon Lambert and Naoise Ó Caoilte—Mental Health Podcasts: A Force for Good in a...
According to Edison Research, there are more podcast listeners than ever, with 64% of the US 12+ population having ever listened to a podcast. With...