18.7 C
Tuesday, 08, October, 2024

Kyrie Farm: An ecological approach to mental health

The story of Kyrie Farm (https://www.kyriefarm.ie/) We are delighted to present this first ‘Fields of Healing Podcast’, literally from a field, with the potential to...

Reflections after 49 North Street

By Líam Mac Gabhann & James O'Flynn And why can't our statutory mental health services respond to the needs of service users and provide effective...

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Podcast


Sharon Lambert and Naoise Ó Caoilte—Mental Health Podcasts: A Force for Good in a...

According to Edison Research, there are more podcast listeners than ever, with 64% of the US 12+ population having ever listened to a podcast. With...

Family constellations & systemic healing

We are delighted to present this second Fields of Healing Podcast recorded in a healing field known locally as Granny’s acre. We have adjusted...