Hearing Voices Groups have been an important resource for people who hear voices for over 30 years now. The work of the Hearing Voices Movement has spread across the world and groups are now available in 35+ countries across 6 continents.
In 2015, Hearing Voices Network Ireland was launched and since that time, approximately 20 groups are now running across Ireland. They offer a safe space for people who hear voices to share their experiences, talk in detail about their voice hearing experiences, make friends, share resources, and learn new coping strategies. Central to the approach is the possibility of changing the relationship with the voices so that they transform from becoming what can be a frightening and isolating experience, to something that can be positive and helpful.
Feedback from previous participants:
“It was incredibly helpful and thoroughly rewarding. I learnt a huge amount and it helped me understand my own experience better. Jacqui gave us a huge amount of information and particularly with coping strategies to help voice hearers – with empowerment methods to gain control over the voices.”
“Jacqui’s knowledge is incredible and sharing her personal experience was so powerful. Jacqui challenged our and societies views and helped us become more informed about hearing voices. The combination of staff and persons with lived experience was an excellent aspect of the training too – I think everyone found that beneficial and it sets the scene for co-facilitation of the group.”
“The breadth and depth of knowledge that Jacqui has, and the way that she communicates and facilitates a group is just pitch perfect really. There was a great mix of ‘hard knowledge’ and personal insights. It provided the opportunity for really rich discussion, despite being online. The participants also coming from a variety of different backgrounds also added to the workshop.”
Training for facilitators, both voice hearers and mental health professionals, has been crucial in helping people to develop the skills and confidence, to facilitate groups. The next Hearing Voices Groups facilitation training is scheduled to begin on Wednesday 19th April 2023. It will run over 8, 3-hour sessions online, and is open to all with a desire and commitment to facilitating a group.
For further information about applying please click here:
For further information about Jacqui and her work please see: www.jacquidillon.org